Możesz Pomóc - Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Mieszkaniowej dla Sierot

Przekaż 1% naszej organizacji

Rozliczenie PIT 2023 jest możliwe w ramach projektu “ dla OPP” prowadzonego we współpracy z IWOP.


Rys historyczny

Nasi Podopieczni

Jesteśmy Wam wdzięczni

Ludzie Stowarzyszenia

Pro memoria

Inicjator założenia Stowarzyszenia

Nasza siedziba

Przesłanie Witolda Bońkowskiego

Bądźmy w kontakcie

Okiem kamery


Sponsorzy Główni uroczystości
        przekazania darów serca
        z okazji Dnia Dziecka i Gwiazdki

Ambasadorowie idei Stowarzyszenia

Sprawozdanie OPP

Stowarzyszenie Pomocy
Mieszkaniowej dla Sierot

Baranowo k. Poznania
ul. Wiosenna 61
62-081 Przeźmierowo

Numery rachunków bankowych:
Santander Bank Polska
22 1090 1346 0000 0000 3401 4507

PKO Bank Polski S.A.
36 1020 4027 0000 1902 0031 3718

71 1020 4900 0000 8902 3439 1675

NIP 777 14 04 561
KRS 0000052441

tel. (+48) 786 916 071

Association for the Lodging Assistance to Orphaned Children and Youths

"You can help"
Established 1981
All-Polish range of activities
Status: Organization of public benefit

Association for the Lodging Assistance to Orphaned Children and Youths was established in 1981 at Baranowo near Poznań on the initiative of a group of enthusiasts headed by Witold Bońkowski. The Association has been active ever since, offering assistance to orphaned and disabled children. Statutory aims:
- assistance directed to orphaned children concerning the acquisition of a lodging
- provision of rehabilitation equipment to disabled children
- assistance to children who acquired disability due to transportation accidents

Each year, before the Child’s Day and Christmas, the donators and the individuals supporting the Association are asked to hand in the legal allotment acts and keys to lodgings, rehabilitation equipment and other donations which co-decide that the takeoff into adult life by the children suffering from various shortcomings becomes so much easier.

Owing to the generosity of the various donating individuals, the Association provided assistance to 30,000 persons in need of help from all over Poland, thus donating the following items:
- 8,455 lodging deposits (in the years 1981-1990 most owners obtained a lodging of their own)
- 1,258 rehabilitation chairs, including 445 electric ones (produced by the Association)
- 8,791 tablets with Braille alphabet (produced by the Association)
- 2,351 foldable sticks for blind persons (produced by the Association)
- 964 hearing aids
- 1,441 radio sets (with tape recorders)
- 848 standard and Braille typewriters
- 573 sewing machines
- 271 dictaphones and rehabilitation bikes, pillows and mattraces (against bedsores), furniture, etc.

Chairman Witold Bońkowski’s Appeal:

May I take this opportunity and call upon all the companies to offer complex assistance to at least one orphaned or disabled child. Let us extend our help for a lifetime!

Address of the Association (donated to the Association by Witold Bońkowski in December, 1997):
Baranowo, ul. Wiosenna 61, 62 – 081 Przeźmierowo

Santander nr 22 1090 1346 0000 0000 3401 4507

PKO BP S.A: .nr 36 1020 4027 0000 1902 0031 3718

currency account USD PKO BP S.A.
71 1020 4900 0000 8902 3439 1675

The Association expresses its most wholehearted gratitude to everyone for their open hearts and cordially invites everyone concerned to a charitable cooperation for the benefit of orphaned and disabled children!